Off Topic: Crazy nut I met on my trip to South Georgia

When traveling with Lindblad you expect to be around the elite, the cultured, the wealthy, the social royalty and that was definitely the majority of my fellow passengers. And then there was Joel. Joel Levinson, or Happy Joel, to be more specific. Joel wins contests for a living. I'll repeat....Joel wins contests for a living. He won a contest to be on the National Geographic Endeavour with us...

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Favorite images…so far

Favorite images…so far

I shot over 12,000 photos on this trip and have only processed about 200 now.  I could be at this for months!  I figured I do a quick little recap with some photos...and more photos than usual because I have a broadband Internet connection again!  Some of these images, you've already seen. It isn't a trip for everyone, and whether this expedition speaks to you or not is an argument on to itself....

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Last day at Sea

Last day at Sea

We should be back in Ushuaia around 7:00 AM tomorrow morning.  Today has been spent socializing and getting ready to say good bye.  This will be our final night on the NG Endeavour and it is going to be tough to leave - this ship feels like home.  I don't think the land will move the same way.  But at least I'll have a bigger shower and bed waiting for me back at my regular home. This will also...

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Sea Day – do we need seat belts on this ride?

Sea Day – do we need seat belts on this ride?

We are on our roughest sea day yet. Report from the Bridge is 7-8 meter seas. It is a little strange because the sun is fully out, so it is actually a really nice day. The only reason to put a coat on is to prevent getting soaked by the enormous splashes. Splashes are shooting over the entirety of the ship by the way. During breakfast half the galley had stuff on the floor, and during lunch I...

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Decided to participate in a photo contest while here

Decided to participate in a photo contest while here

I rarely participate in photo contests anymore because I have had little time to break the camera out. This trip has given me the opportunity to dust the rust on my photography off and then some. Before leaving, the theme for S2Ki’s October photo contest was announced: Our Feathered Friends. I had to enter. I wanted to challenge myself by not shooting a penguin in a beautiful landscape, but a...

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Sea Day – South Georgian Colors

Sea Day – South Georgian Colors

We are in the Antarctic Converge, which is biologically part of Antarctica. In such a cold and extreme place, one would expect a lot of whites and grays to be the main color schemes. This is not the case. Yes, the cooler parts of the color palette are well represented, but not by the cold temperate colors of white snow and gray overcast skies. South Georgia is covered in greens, blues, and small...

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Last Day in South Georgia

Last Day in South Georgia

*Our Internet connection is the worst yet - this is the first time I've been able to get on since my last posting* Itinerary Dawn Patrol at 6:30 AM for a short trip to Salisbury Plain (that place we tried to get to 3 times before) Head to see the Gray-Headed Albatross at Elselhul Say good bye to South Georgia…sadly Today was another phenomenal day on South Georgia. I am so worn out from our time...

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Late posting on Drygalski Fjord, Cooper Bay, Gold Harbor

Late posting on Drygalski Fjord, Cooper Bay, Gold Harbor

Itinerary Shoot, I can’t even remember now So much the mind has melted First off, I’m sorry I didn’t update last night. So much stuff has happened I couldn’t do anything but find my pillow. Today was more of the same. Let me back track, but it is going to be tough because the last 48 hours has been so action-packed my mind is blown! I think we started off in Drygalski Fjord on the Southern-most...

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Fortuna to Stromness (Spanish to Norwegian in 30 minutes?)

Fortuna to Stromness (Spanish to Norwegian in 30 minutes?)

Itinerary Wake up early to repeat the final 4 mile leg of Shackleton’s hike into Stromness Whaling Stationm – CANCELLED Zodiac Landing in Fortuna Bay instead…even better! Zodiac Landing for short, medium, or long hikes back-tracking Shackleton’s approach to Stromness Pick up BBC and National Geographic team for dinner Today began as a bust and I think it weighed heavily on a few people after 3...

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Itinerary Try not to get too black and blue Arrive at South Georgia and visit Grytviken settlement Prepare for our first pre-Sunrise landing at 5:45 AM (2:45 AM EST now) Today is the first day the weather has fouled our plans. We were supposed to wake up in a protected South Georgian inlet, but we’re still at sea. During the night, the wind picked up to 45 knots and the seas broke the 20 foot...

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Titanic Icebergs!

Titanic Icebergs!

Itinerary Cross the Antarctic Converge Spend some time on the Bridge See Shag Rock Get closer to South Georgia! We are in some cold waters (the coldest actually) and the air temperature is matching it. Everything is just above freezing and we’ve got one very nice breeze kicking right now! The boat has become a see-saw. Anything that isn’t tied down is crashing on the floor and I have a feeling...

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My Reflections on the Blue Desert

Life at sea is easy when you’re traveling aboard the National Geographic Endeavour. Smiling faces, plenty of refreshments, and tons of space create an atmosphere more like a Hyatt resort. When spending time in the lounge, the library, the galley, or even sometimes on deck it is easy to forget you’re in one of the most dangerous oceans on the planet. The luxuries and warmth of the ship are...

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