Sea Day – do we need seat belts on this ride?

Sea Day – do we need seat belts on this ride?

We are on our roughest sea day yet. Report from the Bridge is 7-8 meter seas. It is a little strange because the sun is fully out, so it is actually a really nice day. The only reason to put a coat on is to prevent getting soaked by the enormous splashes. Splashes are shooting over the entirety of the ship by the way. During breakfast half the galley had stuff on the floor, and during lunch I...

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Sea Day – South Georgian Colors

Sea Day – South Georgian Colors

We are in the Antarctic Converge, which is biologically part of Antarctica. In such a cold and extreme place, one would expect a lot of whites and grays to be the main color schemes. This is not the case. Yes, the cooler parts of the color palette are well represented, but not by the cold temperate colors of white snow and gray overcast skies. South Georgia is covered in greens, blues, and small...

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