Camera Gear – what worked, what didn’t?

Camera Gear – what worked, what didn’t?

The hardest part of getting ready for this trip was selecting the camera gear.  I could not find enough online about what to bring and what to leave at home, so let me give you a hand.  If you click on the Gear-Up page, you can see what I had to choose from. Rikki and Jack Swenson talked me into bringing my 300mm f2.8L IS lens, and I knew I wanted to bring 2 camera bodies.  This was the...

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Shooting in New River Gorge – what worked?  What didn’t?

Shooting in New River Gorge – what worked? What didn’t?

My latest photography trips to West Virginia were taken during the early fall of 2007, so please disregard the date this article was written. West Virginia is one of the most scenic places I've ever been to.  You could be standing on top of a mountain, admiring the view, then climb down the mountain to discover a whole new bit of scenery.  Stick to the rivers and you won't be disappointed. Focal...

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