Favorite images…so far

Favorite images…so far

I shot over 12,000 photos on this trip and have only processed about 200 now.  I could be at this for months!  I figured I do a quick little recap with some photos...and more photos than usual because I have a broadband Internet connection again!  Some of these images, you've already seen. It isn't a trip for everyone, and whether this expedition speaks to you or not is an argument on to itself....

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Titanic Icebergs!

Titanic Icebergs!

Itinerary Cross the Antarctic Converge Spend some time on the Bridge See Shag Rock Get closer to South Georgia! We are in some cold waters (the coldest actually) and the air temperature is matching it. Everything is just above freezing and we’ve got one very nice breeze kicking right now! The boat has become a see-saw. Anything that isn’t tied down is crashing on the floor and I have a feeling...

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