Favorite images…so far

Favorite images…so far

I shot over 12,000 photos on this trip and have only processed about 200 now.  I could be at this for months!  I figured I do a quick little recap with some photos...and more photos than usual because I have a broadband Internet connection again!  Some of these images, you've already seen. It isn't a trip for everyone, and whether this expedition speaks to you or not is an argument on to itself....

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Last day at Sea

Last day at Sea

We should be back in Ushuaia around 7:00 AM tomorrow morning.  Today has been spent socializing and getting ready to say good bye.  This will be our final night on the NG Endeavour and it is going to be tough to leave - this ship feels like home.  I don't think the land will move the same way.  But at least I'll have a bigger shower and bed waiting for me back at my regular home. This will also...

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Sea Day – do we need seat belts on this ride?

Sea Day – do we need seat belts on this ride?

We are on our roughest sea day yet. Report from the Bridge is 7-8 meter seas. It is a little strange because the sun is fully out, so it is actually a really nice day. The only reason to put a coat on is to prevent getting soaked by the enormous splashes. Splashes are shooting over the entirety of the ship by the way. During breakfast half the galley had stuff on the floor, and during lunch I...

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Itinerary Try not to get too black and blue Arrive at South Georgia and visit Grytviken settlement Prepare for our first pre-Sunrise landing at 5:45 AM (2:45 AM EST now) Today is the first day the weather has fouled our plans. We were supposed to wake up in a protected South Georgian inlet, but we’re still at sea. During the night, the wind picked up to 45 knots and the seas broke the 20 foot...

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My Reflections on the Blue Desert

Life at sea is easy when you’re traveling aboard the National Geographic Endeavour. Smiling faces, plenty of refreshments, and tons of space create an atmosphere more like a Hyatt resort. When spending time in the lounge, the library, the galley, or even sometimes on deck it is easy to forget you’re in one of the most dangerous oceans on the planet. The luxuries and warmth of the ship are...

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National Geographic Endeavour

National Geographic Endeavour

This article is a complete re-print of a review by on the Cruise Critic website.  It is the most detailed review I've found on the ship, and gives a good idea of what to expect from Lindblad Expeditions while traveling on this vessel.  The Endeavour is the vessel I'll be sailing on to visit the Falklands and South Georgia. Main Review "If the old adage of "Don't judge a book by its cover" was...

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Antarctic Trip Specifics and Thanks!

Antarctic Trip Specifics and Thanks!

I am traveling with Linblad Expeditions and National Geographic on the National Geographic Endeavour.  These two organizations have a partnership where Linblad supplies the means and National Geographic provides some expert staff.  This voyage is going to be about photography for me, and I'm very excited to have photography experts such as Flip Nicklin, Rikki & Jack Swenson, and Kevin...

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