Favorite images…so far

Favorite images…so far

I shot over 12,000 photos on this trip and have only processed about 200 now.  I could be at this for months!  I figured I do a quick little recap with some photos...and more photos than usual because I have a broadband Internet connection again!  Some of these images, you've already seen. It isn't a trip for everyone, and whether this expedition speaks to you or not is an argument on to itself....

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Decided to participate in a photo contest while here

Decided to participate in a photo contest while here

I rarely participate in photo contests anymore because I have had little time to break the camera out. This trip has given me the opportunity to dust the rust on my photography off and then some. Before leaving, the theme for S2Ki’s October photo contest was announced: Our Feathered Friends. I had to enter. I wanted to challenge myself by not shooting a penguin in a beautiful landscape, but a...

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Itinerary Dawn shore call at Salisbury Plain to visit the largest King Penguin colony in the world – CANCELLED Visit Prion Island to see the Albatross nesting grounds Find an alternate cove to visit instead of Salisbury Plain Today began at 5:00 AM (2:00 AM EST) in the hopes of visiting over 100,000 nesting pairs of King Penguin, thousands of Elephant Seals, and some Fur Seals, plus some...

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Albatross & Sinatra…a Sea Day

Albatross & Sinatra…a Sea Day

Itinerary: Attend every lecture – especially Kim Heacox’s story about Sir Shackleton (more on that later) Get through all photos taken so far and process a few for the slideshow-showoff later in the trip Shoot some more sea birds off the back of the ship We’ve been at sea since last night. We’ve been going with the wind and the waves, so the boat has had an even rock. I have not felt bad once....

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New Island, Falklands – saving for later

I promised a second update today, but I'm not going to be able to do it in full - sorry. New Island was incredible.  We hit shore around 3:30 PM and I stayed till 7:30 PM (the last possible minute) shooting Rockhopper Penguins, Blue Eyed Shag, Black Browed Albatross, Upland Geese, and many other birds. It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!  I have never seen such dense concentrations of wildlife ever!  There...

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At Sea – heading to the Falklands

At Sea – heading to the Falklands

Itinerary: Attend lectures about sea birds and the Falklands Take pictures of the various sea birds following the ship Try not to blow chunks I left a comment on another blog article before crawling into bed last night. As I was typing that comment the boat started rocking, and it hasn’t stopped yet. I have never been sea sick, but over 12 hours of square waves is taking a toll. I couldn’t sleep...

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Albatrosses of the Antarctic Converge

Albatrosses of the Antarctic Converge

These are some of the largest birds on the planet and the Wandering Albatross has the largest wingspan in the world:  almost 12 feet on a body that is almost 4.5 feet in length!  The smaller of the Antarctic albatross, the Light-Mantled Sooty Albatross, has a wingspan over 7 feet!  Albatross are giants whose true size is rarely shown in photographs. The name "Albatross" is believed to be an...

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