SCX24 RC Cars for the Kids

Wow! I knew the kids enjoyed playing with my GX470, but I had no idea how uniting these things would be. I bought these for the 4 and 8-year-olds, but the 15-year-old came out of his cave and played with us, too. That was worth the price!

The 4- and 15-year-olds get along well, but everyone fights with the 8-year-old. Seeing all three kids running the RC cars together made me a happy dad. Also, to my delight, mom, who complains about these little things making noise (more the kids screaming while driving them), had to admit this was a good investment.

All three kids played hide-and-seek with the cars; they definitely did some ramming to see whose car could stay upright and also a little crawling. It was a fun first night with the crawlers.

The 4 year old girl told her daycare teachers that she got a new truck. I had to explain what that meant when I picked her up today. In between meetings, I was able to throw her pink wheels on and install a new steering servo and some steering links to stiffen the front end up. When we got home, we played some follow-the-leader, and I was impressed with how well she began to run the truck like a human being. Until then, she’s been a full-throttle-no-steering-wall-basher. The only steering she did was with the “hand of god” (a hand correcting a little car), so we’re off to new places!

Posted on January 9, 2025

Category: RC Cars

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