Wow. November 2016 was the last post; a lot has happened since then! I would say the most significant thing was adding two kids, followed by buying a company, starting a company from scratch, and getting caught in the gears of life.
Why Poindaxster?
My name is Alex, but my aunts and grandmother called me Ax. And my pledge name for Phi Kappa Sigma ☠️ was Poindexter. Even though adopting technology has always been easy for me, it wasn’t easy for my 1990s fraternity brothers. A poindexter was a nerd (see Poindexter in Revenge of the Nerds), which was a FAR BETTER pledge name than some of my pledging brothers received. So Ax + Poindexter = PoindAxster.
What is this place about?
Initially, I used to document my photography travels in my younger years. That place still exists, along with its matching blog posts here. Axspot was such an early 2000s name – remember MySpace? That part of the journey continues with a few more things. Along with photography, woodworking has become a major hobby, offroading, and remote control truck crawling. Beneath it all is research. As I scour the internet to learn new things, I recognize where there are holes or missing connections in areas I’m trying to understand better. There may be some “off-topic” posts in the name of delivering more depth on a topic.
Why the reboot 8+ years later?
My son Oliver. He is a curious 8-year-old boy who loves to research things online. Naturally, he discovered YouTube and has been begging his mother and me to have his own YouTube channel for years. In his young life, this is the one interest he has remained consistent on, so I offered him the opportunity to help me build a channel in exchange for him receiving permission to get his own. I love the idea of working together with him to teach him photography, videography, and editing while we share some adventures together.