All new axSpot

The old blog has been active since 2008.  Despite it’s 8 years of service it is time to retire that freebie site.  The main reason is control.  Some old technology is no longer available to me because it was bought by some other company that no longer supports it, but I can’t turn it off.  The most annoying one is an email subscription service that was fantastic in 2008, but Google purchased it a while later.  Google doesn’t even provide an access point for me to turn it off, so roughly 100 people get this terribly small font email that you can’t read every time I post a new article.  It also pushes to Facebook and Twitter without proper formatting.

Now axSpot is on the same servers I’ve been using for all of my other websites for the past decade:  DreamHost.  axSpot, the domain, is actually the first URL I ever bought.  I think it is nearing its 15th birthday!  And now I’m going to put it to good use again as it has been rotting as a simple redirect for the last 10 years.

The good news is that I have control.  I can access everything installed on this blog and if another plugin or tool acts up I can pull the cord out of the wall.  So, welcome to the new old axSpot and be ready for some changes over the next few weeks as I dust the cob webs off of it.

Posted on January 12, 2016

Category: Old site | Other

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