- Attend lectures about sea birds and the Falklands
- Take pictures of the various sea birds following the ship
- Try not to blow chunks

Black-Browed Albatross chasing the boat hoping for a meal
I left a comment on another blog article before crawling into bed last night. As I was typing that comment the boat started rocking, and it hasn’t stopped yet. I have never been sea sick, but over 12 hours of square waves is taking a toll. I couldn’t sleep last night, so I got started around 5:00 AM. Tried to get some food down the hatch – big mistake. I ended up back in bed not 20 minutes later and got plenty of sleep between 5:20 AM and about 11:00 AM. In the times I have been outside my cabin, I have noticed not too many people have been around.
After listening to a lecture about sea birds from Brent Houston, I went to the back of the ship to photograph the various species following us at that time: Black Browed Albatross and Giant Petrels were the largest with wingspans up to 6 feet! It is amazing to watch these giant birds fly.

Look at the wave in the background - this is from the smallest/calmest part f the day
Then it was time for lunch. Bad idea. I don’t know what it is about that dining room, but it just likes to spin. Back in bed till about 7:00 PM.
I woke to caught a run-down on the activities for tomorrow, and listened to a photography seminar through the onboard radio while I was in bed.
I missed 3 presentations today, but only felt bad about missing one on the visual presentation of the Falklands by Kevin Schafer. I was in bad shape at that time.
There is some good news; I was able to spend the sunset shooting more sea birds. I was also finally able to eat something, albeit vegetables and pretzels around the lounge, but it was something!

Sunset on the Southern Ocean
Tomorrow we’ll be disembarking for Carcass Island in the Falklands. There are three choices for the morning:
- Take a 3 mile hike
- Take a 1 mile hike
- Stay on the beach to photograph penguins and albatross
I’m going to take option number 3 and put a hurting on my memory cards! Shooting the soaring albatross was fantastic today, but it was a very small appetizer and I’m very hungry for more!
P.S. Yes, I am on a ship’s physician prescription of heavy motion sickness pills. They do the trick for a little while. They also make you extremely drowsy. Speaking of drowsy, I think I’m going to take care of that for the 4th time today. Good night everybody.