Last day at work

Today is going to be a “tidy-up” day.  I’ve done my best to tie-up loose ends and get processes in place in case something goes wrong while I’m away.  Something is going to break, a competitor is going to do something we won’t be able to fight back against online, an employee is going to have an issue I can’t fix.  Boss, be ready.  If something does happen, you can borrow a phrase from my Dad – “My butt is cracked, but it still works” 🙂

To the Checkered Flag Internet staff: this is your time to shine.  You all have the opportunity to become rock stars.  These next few months could define your careers, so it is just a matter of whether you lay down and die or seize change for the huge opportunity it always is!

As for me: I’m 98% packed.  Picked up Thomas Friedman’s new book, “Hot, Flat, and Crowded”, for some ‘light” reading on the planes.  I hope it as entertaining and other-view-opening as all his other books.

The iPod is ready to roll with about 50GB’s of music, and all external harddrives have been formatted.  I feel like I’m good to go, but I can’t shake the feeling I’m forgetting something.  I’m sure it will come to me when it is too late to do anything about it.

I guess it is time to get started on spending one last full day in Virginia Beach.

Posted on October 13, 2008

Category: Old site | Photography

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